Tonight I sat out on the deck with my family and consumed some of the last fresh goodness of summer. We had chicken grilled side-by-side with ears of yellow corn. There was a glass bowl of spinach salad dotted with mandarin oranges and red potatoes, boiled and mashed with cheese and butter and garlic. We drank tall glasses of iced tea and took our time doing it. Our big, black dog, an old guy, laid at our feet, hoping that just one bite might fall unnoticed on the ground. On a side note I might add that he was sorely disappointed that when that morsel came, because while he smelled grilled chicken he got a mouth full of fresh spinach. Our little dog romped around the yard, sniffing and playing, and pausing to listen to the sounds from the dense trees in back. We were calm and unhurried and had not one thing that was plugged in, charged up, or had batteries. We stayed out long enough to see the sun move behind the trees and the moon, almost full, brighten in the sky.
I have heard that there are families that have evenings like that regularly but I suspect that to be a rumor that serves to keep the rest of us feeling a bit guilty about our too-busy lives. . Perhaps there are families that come home and prepare meals together and enjoy each other’s company and their phones never ring as they dine on well-planned succulent foods. That is not the case at my house. At my house we tend to put it together at the last minute just before rushing to other evening events or homework or laundry...always laundry.
Because of this, tonight I felt full…not just from the delicious meal that filled our bellies but from the evening itself. I felt full of the colors of fall…the crimson leaves and the pumpkin-colored leaves and even the brilliant yellow plants at the back of the yard that I secretly suspect might be ragweed but don’t call them that because I know it will cost them their lives.
I felt full of the sounds of crickets and the dogs and birds in the trees and the laughter and conversation around the table. Each of us talked about our day and each of us attended to the words of the others without distraction and it felt good.
I felt full of the sense of family and rest and of priorities (if just for one night) set aright. I felt filled up with the wonder of a God who goes out of His way to fill us up with good things and how often we don't even notice. There are still things to do…the laundry beckoning, and all the preparations for tomorrow.
But for tonight we just felt full.... and it was enough.
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