Thursday, December 10, 2009

Paying Attention to the Message of Peace

Paying Attention to the Message of Peace

Peace - Week Two - Friday

“And the angel said unto them, “Fear not: for, behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you, ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Luke 2:10-14

Shepherds in the field were not usually the first to find out the latest news. They spent their time with sheep that have a reputation of not being terribly intellectual and with other shepherds who spent their time out in the fields and the countryside, not in the towns and cities. No one dropped by with a Sunday paper. They didn’t get CNN. They could not bring up the internet. Nope, not even a text. They spent much of their life pretty much cut off from the rest of the world. They were an unlikely bunch to hear the news of Christ’s birth first…or news of any kind first, for that matter. So on this night when the city is bustling with so much activity that there is not even one single room to house another visitor, they are out in the fields under the stars. I can’t help but wonder if one of them, who were so familiar with the stars that shone above them, might have noticed that one star shone a little brighter…looked a little less familiar…seemed a little different than the others. Was it possible that wasn’t there before? On this night of restless activity in Bethlehem these shepherds are sitting under a starry sky and being still. And then the sky lights up like the noonday sun, blinding the shepherds under its intensity. Shielding their eyes, they try to see what it might be that had invaded their quiet night. I cannot begin to imagine the fear they must have felt. But the angel comes to them and says, “Look, you have absolutely nothing to be afraid of, as a matter of fact you are not going to believe the news I have. It is the greatest news you can imagine for unto you is born this day, right up the road in Bethlehem, the Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” Then the angel proceeds to tell them how to find this baby, after which he is joined by a huge choir of angels saying, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace, goodwill toward men.” Then the angels are gone…simply gone, perhaps leaving the shepherds to wonder if they would make the cover of the Bethlehem Enquirer if they shared with folks what had just transpired. Nonetheless it took them about a split second to decide to ditch the sheep and head to Bethlehem. It took them just a second because they knew Who had made it known to them….”Let us go see this thing that the Lord has made known to us”.

I don’t know if the angels came to the shepherds because they were quiet and still and prepared to listen or perhaps God simply wanted the common man to know that His Son had arrived among them, the Lamb that would pay for our sins. We cannot know why God chose a group of lowly shepherds to share the biggest news in the world but we can know that they were given an opportunity to find peace and they dropped everything and headed for the stable where they were told they could find it.

And so I sit amongst piles of ribbons and rolls of wrapping paper with a to do list a mile long. I haven't noticed the stars in days and stillness is something I simply long for...not experience regularly. And yet, at this time of year especially, God wants me to receive the very same message. He wants me to understand that His Son has arrived and all this is about Him. He wants me to quiet my heart and feel the awe of it. God's own Son dwelling right my heart, bringing me peace.

What about you this Christmas? Do you have peace with God? Jesus came to be that peace (Micah 5:5). It is free and it is for you. Why not find true Peace this Christmas?

Discussion Question

What does it mean to say that Jesus is Peace? How is He the peace between God and man? What do you have to do to have the Peace in your life?

Family Activity

Together create a Bethlehem Gazette or a newscast in which you pretend you are the ones telling of the events in Luke chapter 2. You may want to dress up and pose for pictures that depict the parts of the story. You can work together and draw pictures. If you are technically adept you might make it all on the computer. Then you can send it out to family members and friends who will enjoy the fun but also hear the message of Christmas.

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